Thursday, January 24, 2008


When I first fell in love with God, there were these songs that penetrated my soul.... every now and then, the words, chorus or something reminds me of one of these songs... and my heart is filled with awe and rememberance of the way God has called me, changed me, pulled me, pursued me, and finally, hasn't stopped loving me. What good news! Usually these songs come to me while rocking one of my kids in the middle of the night, or after some time in sincere prayer. What a great Holy Spirit gift, that God keeps on talking to me!

This song is in my head... as a result of some time in Psalm 3...
"Oh let the Son of God enfold you, with his spirit and his love. Let Him fill your life and satisfy your soul. OH let him have the things that hold you, and his spirit like a dove, will descend upon your life and make you whole. Jesus, oh Jesus, come and fill your lambs.
Oh let us sing this song with gladness, as our hearts are filled with joy. Lift your hands in sweet surrender to his name. Oh give him all your tears and sadness, and give him all your years of pain. And you'll enter into life in Jesus name.
Jesus, oh Jesus, come and fill your lambs."

Even now, tears and awe.
Thank you awesome God.