My friend Joy, one of those angels God puts in your path at just the right time for just the right reason, once advised me on "future" worry.
I was just out of college, and ready to be teacher of the year. Only problem was, I couldn't even get an interview, and I was so so so deflated. I just searched and searched my heart and kept asking God why he wouldn't just provide the opportunity to teach? What was holding me back? At the time, Joy was my bible study leader at church. She is quite a bit older than me, and then I was only a 20 something. We would gather together for prayer afterwards, and I was always asking for prayer for my future. "What was I supposed to do," I kept wondering and asking.
One day Joy spoke profound holy spirit inspired words to me.
She said, "Shelly, What has God called you to do today? Do that and he'll show you tomorrow when you get to tomorrow."
Once again, I'm in an in-between time in life. We are not plugged into a church. I am not leading anything. I am not working anywhere, other than photography stuff and part time stuff at the srapbook store. But, those things don't feel like they count for some reason. I feel kind of "useless."
And WHY? Isn't what God has given me for this day valuable? What is it inside of me that feels like I'm not contributing right now because I'm mostly an at home mom? I often have pockets in my day, little brief corners, where I think, "OH, I'm so glad I didn't miss that because my kids are in daycare." I've spent so much time investing in other people's kids... what about my own?
So, if you're reading this, pray for me and I'll pray for you, the following prayer:
"Whatever is in front of me or behind me, is not as important, Lord, as what I am doing right NOW. This moment, this second, is from you. Help me to serve you in it."
Now, rest in this day. Be still. Stand and take it in. Because the moment may pass, and we might miss out on what and who's in store.