A phone call today from an old friend reminded me that there's a lot that's happened in this life. Here are the things I've learned so far:
1. There's nothing you can do that is not able to be forgiven by your Father.
2. When you make a mistake, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and move on. You can never undo what's already done, all you can do is move on.
3. Find things that you enjoy, and do them.
4. Everything is better with ice cream.
5. Take time to laugh. Life is too short to waste on worry, guilt, fear, and regret.
6. When you find true friends, tell them you love them, hold on to them, be there for them, and don't let them slip away... because they can be taken from you in the blink of an eye.
7. Don't waste time worrying about what other people think. Who you are is already beautiful.
8. There is no time like the present to forgive, let go, and move on.
9. The secret to a happy life is not things, a big house, more money, a nice car, how well you parent, what kind of job you have, or what you look like. The secret to life is surrender to your heavenly father, and the great adventure that follows.
10. Stand up for yourself. No one else is going to.
11. Remove expectations, then you'll never be disappointed.
12. The only person responsible for your feelings is you, and the only way to control you feelings is by taking every thought captive.
13. YOU are valuable, loveable, and WORTH loving. Period. Anyone who tells you otherwise is jealous of the value they see in you.
14. YOU are talented. Everyone, no exceptions, has their own special mix of talents. Find yours and use them.
15. Smile, and be nice. You never know how this might impact someone standing in line behind you and how they might "pay it forward."
16. Don't give up.
17. Finally, see the good in everyone. It is actually there if you look hard enough.